Legacy Code. Reimagined. Powered by AI.

Unleash the Power of Your Code. Drive Innovation. Empower Your Team. Take Development to the Next Frontier.

Plug in your code, unleash the insights. LensHub seamlessly evaluates your code and business logic, delivering actionable feedback that guides you towards risk free modernization and overall transformation.

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Leverage your existing application information with LensHub
Programming Languages

LensHub supports more than 10+ programming languages starting from ASP.NET, PHP, Angular, DOS, Cobol, Node, React and more.

Requirements & wireframing tools

LensHub supports tools for version control and creating wireframes.


LensHub manages acceptance and test data management alongwith project management.

LensHub Analysis
AI Powered Code Insights & Automation
Join the code revolution. Experience the future of application intelligence with our LensHub's AI tool.
LensHub takes care of below aspects during the transformation journey
Business Logic
Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence
Get Actionable Insights with AI Co-Pilot


Smart Documentation

Code level smart documentation and requirements document gets generated in minutes.



Immediate Wireframes

Quick wireframe generation module available for baselining requirement, modernizing, and migrating to desired technologies.



Code Generation

Based on smart documentation, business logic, and requirements, Al driven boilerplate code gets generated in minutes.


LensHub for Various Personas, Influencers & Decision Makers

Get a comprehensive code report with LensHub. Let AI take the wheel. Your code and application transformation on autopilot, success guaranteed

For Decision Makers

For Business Stakeholders

For Technical Teams

For Cross Functional Teams

Provides actionable insights for Decision Makers, helps Leaders advance their Technology Stack ensuring High Quality code and applications

Gets clear and Transparent approach, significant Cost Saving of more than 40% and Risk Mitigation with critical application migration and modernization

Receives actionable guidance on existing code and developing new code, makes coding process smoother and efficient, and foster professional growth

Enabling teams to work more Efficiently with Clear Strategy that results into Resource Optimization and enhanced Productivity

Co-Pilot Your Application Transformation with AI Powered Insights

See all use cases
  • LensHub

    Guide For Legacy System Modernization: Reimagining the Enterprise for the Digital Age

    Imagine driving an old car that can no longer meet the demands of modern travel. Just like an outdated car, obsolete software cannot keep up with the ever-changing needs of a business.

  • LensHub

    Application Modernization Strategies: 7 Options To Modernize Legacy Systems

    ILegacy systems are difficult to maintain, improve, integrate with new systems and demand high maintenance annual cost.

  • LensHub

    Automate your application modernization process using AI and RPA

    The rapid rise of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in recent years has led to their widespread adoption for automating routine tasks by organizations worldwide. However, to achieve intelligent automation or hyperautomation, RPA must be combined with AI to enable human-like decision-making capabilities. Hyperautomation tools can transform business processes by making cognitive, data-driven decisions, which is why Gartner has identified hyperautomation as the top strategic technology trend of 2020.

Want to see LensHub in action?

Activate your free trial and see what LensHub can do for you. Getting started is easy.